Fundraising Tools


We made these tools to help you fundraise for the 2023 Lake Cumberland Polar Plunge. We appreciate all your hard work and support; we know you're all Freezin' for a Reason and these tools can help you share to raise money and win prizes, too! Don't forget to hashtag #ChillofaLifetime. Just right click and save!

Use the following fun and informational graphics on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with the link to your personal fundraising page in the caption to let everyone know you're raising money for Special Olympics Kentucky!

lc reach goal

LC without this 23


Social Media Polar Plunge Fundraiser Challenge

How do I use it: Post the graphic on your social's feed or stories sharing your account name to your preferred way to collect donation to meet your goal. After you get a donation for a certain amount mark it out so it's off your fundraiser board. Then repost the updated board tagging the donator to thank them for their support. Continue this until you have a coverall.

venmo fundraiser board paypal board zelle board cashapp board bingoLC

Example of a board being completed:

example Fundraise board

 Can't think of any fundraiser ideas here's a few to start you off!
